Region Forward Blog Leaders Work to Spur Investments in Building Energy Efficiency to Create Jobs & Fight Climate Change April 25, 2013 Financing energy retrofits has been a major focus of area leaders on the Council of Governments’ climate and energy committee since retrofit projects create...
Region Forward Blog Partnerships Bring Cleaner More Efficient Engines to Local Businesses April 23, 2013 Diesel engines especially older ones generate a lot of pollutants. That black smoke you see pumping out of trucks buses and boats produces major negative...
Region Forward Blog Maryland Passes Landmark Forest Legislation April 16, 2013 Steven Koehn Director/State Forester at Maryland DNR Forest Service Co-Chair American Forest Foundation (AFF) Woodlands Operating Committee and member AFF...
Region Forward Blog Local State Innovations Provide Way to Meet Climate Goals April 12, 2013 As frustrating as Congress’ unwillingness to take serious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may be additional legislation may not even be necessary...
Region Forward Blog Sustainable DC: A Major Advance in Moving the Region Forward April 1, 2013 Laine Cidlowski AICP Urban Sustainability Planner and Tanya Stern Chief of Staff DC Office of Planning