Letters/Memos Comment on proposed repeal of the Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units (also known as the Clean Power Plan) Dec 20, 2017 COG’s Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee, Climate, Energy, and Environment Policy Committee, and Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Policy Committee approved a letter to the U.S. EPA in support of the preservation of its Clean Power Plan (CPP) rule. The rule, implemented in 2015 and under consideration for repeal, takes steps to reduce emissions from power plants.
Resolutions R8-2018 - Resolution endorsing initiatives recommended by the Long-Range Plan Task Force Dec 20, 2017
Publications Washington DC-MD-VA 2008 Ozone NAAQS Marginal Nonattainment Area Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan Dec 20, 2017 The District of Columbia, the State of Maryland, and the Commonwealth of Virginia request that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) redesignate the Washington DC-MD-VA 2008 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) marginal nonattainment are to attainment for this standard pursuant to the provisions under § 107 of the federal Clean Air Act (CAA).
Publications Long-Range Plan Task Force Reports Dec 20, 2017 The TPB Long-Range Plan Task Force identified a limited set of regionally significant projects, programs, and policies above and beyond what is in the current long-range plan.