Resolutions TPB: R16-2006: Resolution on an Amendment to the FY 2006-2011 TIP that is Exempt from the Air Quality Conformity Requirement to Modify Funding for Eleven Transit, Commuter Rail and Ridesharing Projects as Requested by MDOT Apr 19, 2006
Resolutions TPB: R17-2006: Resolution on an Amendment to the FY 2006-11 TIP that is Exempt from the Air Quality Conformity Requirement to Modify the Funding and Construction Schedule for Widening I-66 Between US 29 and VA 234 in Prince William County, as Requested by VDOT Apr 19, 2006
Resolutions TPB: R18-2006: Resolution on Inclusion in Air Quality Conformity Analysis of Submissions for the 2006 CLRP and FY 2007-2012 TIP Apr 19, 2006
Resolutions TPB: R19-2006: Resolution Approving the FY 2007 Commuter Connections Work Program Apr 19, 2006