Publications Smart Growth Begins at the Local Level Apr 14, 2004 This multimedia CD-ROM was developed to inform and educate elected officials, civic groups, the development community, and citizens about the land use and transportation challenges currently facing the region.
Publications Can You Afford to Live Here? A look at housing costs and wage in the metropolitan Washington region. May 11, 2004 This report examines the relationship between hourly wages and the cost of rental housing in the metropolitan Washington region.
Publications Increase in Developed Land Map within the Metropolitan Washington Region: 1986-2000 Jun 1, 2004 This map shows the increase in developed land via increase or change in impervious surface over 3 time periods; 1990, 1996 & 2000 using 1986 as the base time period.
Publications Land Cover/Land Use Map within the Metropolitan Washington Region: 1999-2000 Landsat 7 Imagery Jun 1, 2004 This is a Land Use / Land Cover map depicting forests, cropland, park land, water features and urban and countryside development in the over 3000 square mile Metropolitan Washington Region as defined by the membership of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG). Free copies available.