Presentations, Other Documents Ozone Season Summary Oct 11, 2023 COG's annual update recapping the ozone season in metropolitan Washington, including reporting the number of exceedance days and the region’s status in attaining federal standards for ozone.
Publications Washington DC-MD-VA 2008 Ozone NAAQS Maintenance Plan Update Sep 27, 2023 The District of Columbia, the State of Maryland, and the Commonwealth of Virginia request that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) approve revisions to the original 2008 ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) maintenance plan (dated December 20, 2017) for the Washington DC-MD-VA 2008 Ozone NAAQS Maintenance Area.
Letters/Memos Memo to COG Board on WMATA Cost Structure Work Group Sep 13, 2023 Memo from the COG Chief Administrative Officers Committee to the COG Board on WMATA Cost Structure Work Group.
Letters/Memos COG Letter on Federal Workplace Schedules Aug 30, 2023 Letter from the COG Chief Administrative Officers Committee to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget regarding federal workplace schedules and remote work policies.
Publications Drinking Water and Wastewater Survey Responses Aug 22, 2023 COG issues a digital survey on water and wastewater knowledge, attitudes, and behavior to residents of metropolitan Washington. The survey is conducted on behalf of the 16 water and wastewater utilities and jurisdictions who oversee the regionwide water communication and outreach as part of COG's Community Engagement Campaign. The group issues the survey annually to measure changes in water awareness and behaviors to protect area water and water infrastructure.
Publications State of the Commute Survey Report Aug 14, 2023 Commuter Connections State of the Commute (SOC) Report has been produced every three years since 2001 tracking a wide range of transportation information and assistance services designed to inform Washington DC area commuters of the availability and benefits of alternatives to driving alone and to assist them to find alternatives that fit their commute needs.