Publications I-95 Resource Recovery, Land Reclamation and Recreation Complex Mar 1, 1997 Describes the history and development of the complex from its beginning in 1971 to 1996. Hardcopy price is $15.
Other Documents Transportation Planning Board Consultation Procedures May 20, 1998 This report presents the consultation procedures which the TPB will follow in assessing conformity of its plans and programs. These procedures will also provide the basis for the state air agencies to make the required revisions to their state implementation plans.
Resolutions COG Board: Certified Resolution: R26-98 (Amended): Establishment of the Chesapeake Bay Policy Committee Sep 9, 1998 Resolution creating a Chesapeake Bay Policy Committee of the COG Board and charging the committee with developing and coordinating an arrangement to provide area local governments with more influence in the development of policy by the Chesapeake Bay Program.
Publications The TPB Vision Oct 15, 1998 The Vision is a short, but influential, policy document that lays out eight broad goals to guide the region’s transportation investments into the 21st century.
Publications Assessment of Public Involvement in Transportation Planning for the Washington Metropolitan Region Oct 21, 1998
Publications Section 8 Families in the Washington Region: Neighborhood Choices and Constraints. Apr 1, 2000 The researchers conducted an analysis of the movement patterns of Section 8 recipients in the Washington metropolitan area over a period of one year. Hardcopy price is $20.
Publications 2000 Update to the Financially Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan for the National Capital Region May 15, 2000 This official long-range plan for the National Capital Region identifies the capital improvements, studies, actions, and strategies that the region proposes to carry out by the year 2025. Hardcopy price is $15.
Publications Metropolitan Washington Water Supply and Drought Awareness Response Plan: Potomac River System Jun 20, 2000 This document provides a plan of action that would be implemented during drought conditions for the purpose of This document provides a plan of action that would be implcoordinated regional response.
Publications Wow! Why don't We Do That in Our Jurisdiction? Sep 30, 2000 This report spotlights successful affordable housing programs and policies of local jurisdictions.
Publications A System In Crisis Feb 1, 2001 Pamphlet highlighting the funding shortfall for the Washington area's transportation system.