Publications Controlling Urban Runoff Jul 1, 1987 This manual provides detailed guidance for engineers and siteplanners on how to plan and design urban best management practices (BMPs)to remove pollutants and protect stream habitats. Hardcopy price is $20.
Publications Thermal Impacts Associated with Urbanization and Stormwater Management Best Management Practices A two-part study undertaken in 1989 to evaluate the thermal and dissolved oxygen (DO) impacts to aquatic life associated with urbanization and various representative stormwater management Best Management Practices.
Other Documents MWAQC Certification Letters Letters certifying the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee by the govenrnors of Maryland and Virginia and mayor of the DIstrict of Columbia.
Publications Designing Safe Landscaping Jun 1, 1994 A guide on how to maintain security in landscape design using the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.
Publications Reducing Turf Area Jun 1, 1994 Forest vs. Lawns: a guide to the the benefits of natural ground cover.
Publications Landscape Maintenace Calendar Jun 2, 1994 A guide to planting, watering, transplanting, fertilizing, pruning, insect control, and disease control for the Mid Atlantic region.
Publications Tree Planting Guidelines Jun 4, 1994 An overview of how to select, plant, and maintain trees.
Publications All About Adoption Feb 1, 1996 Contains general information about adopting children through a public agency. Includes listing of local public adoption agencies and several non-profit agencies. Also available in the Spanish language.
Publications Foster Hope Through Foster Care Jun 1, 1996 Contains general information about foster parenting, and includes telephone numbers of local public foster care agencies as well as several non-profit foster care organizations. Also available in the Spanish language.