Publications The TPB Vision Oct 15, 1998 The Vision is a short, but influential, policy document that lays out eight broad goals to guide the region’s transportation investments into the 21st century.
Publications 2000 Update to the Financially Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan for the National Capital Region May 15, 2000 This official long-range plan for the National Capital Region identifies the capital improvements, studies, actions, and strategies that the region proposes to carry out by the year 2025. Hardcopy price is $15.
Publications A System In Crisis Feb 1, 2001 Pamphlet highlighting the funding shortfall for the Washington area's transportation system.
Publications Priorities 2000: Metropolitan Washington Circulation Systems and Greenways Feb 1, 2001 Priorities 2000: Metropolitan Washington Greenways establishes a framework for green space in the Washington area, identifies regional greenway priorities, and puts for th an implementation strategy to help make these proposed greenways a reality.
Publications Induced Travel: Definition, Forecasting Process, and A Case Study in the Metropolitan Washington Region Sep 19, 2001 A briefing paper on the issue on induced travel, Induced Travel: Definition, Forecasting Process, and A Case Study in the Metropolitan Washington Region.
Publications Access For All Advisory Committee's 2001 Report Mar 20, 2002 The National Capital Transportation Planning Board (TPB) established the Access for All Advisory Committee in the Fall of 2000. The mission of this committee is to advise the TPB on issues and concerns of low-income and minority communities, and persons with disabilities. Committee membership includes seventeen engaged community leaders as well as ex-officio representation from the major transportation implementing agencies within the Metropolitan Washington Region.
Publications TPB Principles for Reauthorization of Federal Surface Transportation Programs Oct 16, 2002 Address the Special Needs of the National Capital Region Associated with its Unique Relationship with the federal government.
Publications Transportation Improvement Program for the Washington Metropolitan Region FY 2004-2009 Dec 31, 2003 This document outlines the staged development of the area's Long Range Transportation Plan, with priority projects selected for programming by the TPB, the states and the transit agencies presented in the first year of the six-year program. State, regional and local agencies place projects into the program each year.
Publications Access For All Advisory Committee Report Apr 21, 2004 This report provides guidance to the region’s transportation decision makers on ways to address the issues and concerns of persons that are typically not represented in the transportation planning process.
Publications Telecenter Utilization and Travel Pattern Surveys Sep 14, 2004 This brief report describes the methodologies and results of data collection undertaken for the Commuter Connections program of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) at telecenters administered by the General Services Administration (GSA).