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TPB Safety Study Resources & Safety Policy

Jul 22, 2020


To better understand the factors behind the unacceptable numbers of fatalities and serious injuries occurring on the region’s roadways each year, the Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) commissioned a Regional Safety Study.

Work on the study kicked off in June 2019, and was guided by a panel of TPB staff and safety officials from the District Department of Transportation, Maryland Department of Transportation, and Virginia Department of Transportation.

Although a full report on the Regional Safety Study is forthcoming, many key findings were presented to the TPB and TPB Technical Committee, and are available below. 

The TPB adopted a regional roadway safety policy in July 2020, endorsing a set of shared actions to reduce injuries and fatalities on area roadways and committing to safety strategies that advance equity.

Results: 6 Records found.