
TPB Version 2.3.66 Travel Model Documentation

Nov 16, 2016


The TPB Version 2.3 Travel Model, Build 66, also known as the Version 2.3.66 Travel Mode became the adopted travel model on November 16, 2016.

The TPB Version 2.3 Travel Model was calibrated to year-2007 conditions in 2012, and this work was documented in the attached calibration report.

In 2013, the Version 2.3 Travel Model was validated to year-2010 conditions. Updates to the model resulting from this validation work were part of Build 52. The model validation effort was documented in the attached memo.

The user's guide for the current model, Ver.2.3.66, is attached in two volumes, one for the main report (including Appendix A) and one for Appendices B, C & D.

The current documentation for the highway and transit networks used by the regional travel demand model are attached.

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