
Multimodal Coordination for Bus Priority Hot Spots Study

Jun 28, 2012


The Multimodal Coordination for Bus Priority Hot Spots Study was jointly funded under the FY 2011 UPWP Technical Assistance programs, with $126,000 from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), and $30,000 each from the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), the District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT), and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). The study was conducted to identify a set of implementable bus priority improvements across the region. Fifteen critical “hot spot” locations were identified in each state through an analysis of speed and trip data from regional bus systems. Following field review, six locations were identified for conceptual design of bus priority treatments, two in each major jurisdiction. Analysis also quantified the anticipated capital costs and operating cost savings the recommended bus priority treatments would provide. This study also aimed at continuing to build and enhance regional coordination in implementing surface transit improvements as one tool in managing existing transportation infrastructure more effectively. To that end, the study engaged modal stakeholders in the process. Hot spot identification, prioritization, mitigation and operating subsidy savings calculations were coordinated through the TPB’s Management, Operations and Intelligent Transportation Systems (MOITS) Technical Subcommittee with assistance from the TPB’s Regional Bus Subcommittee (RBS).
Results: 3 Records found.