
2003 Update to the Financially Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan for the National Capital Region (Full Document)

Sep 30, 2004


This official long-range transportation plan for the National Capital Region identifies the capital improvements, studies, actions, and strategies that the region proposes to carry out by the year 2030. It is “financially constrained” to include only projects that the region can afford to build and operate during the 2004-2030 period. The plan is updated at least every three years. The document summarizes regional plans and programs as of December 17, 2003. Major improvements, studies, and actions included in the plan are described in this document. However, detailed descriptions of these major projects as well as descriptions of small-scale projects not shown here are contained in separate supplementary documents titled Inputs for the FY2004-2009 Transportation Improvement Program and the 2003 Constrained Long-Range Plan (CLRP). One document includes project descriptions submitted by the District of Columbia and Federal Lands Highway Division, one the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), another document includes Suburban Maryland and a fourth contains project descriptions for Northern Virginia.

Hardcopy price is $15.

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