
Region Forward Goals

Region Forward is based on ambitious goals shared by residents, business and nonprofit leaders, and elected officials across metropolitan Washington. These goals also encourage leaders to think about the regional impact of local decisions. The targets in Region Forward measure progress towards meeting these goals. (These goals have been updated since the vision was originally released.)

Region Forward Land Use Goal

  • We seek the enhancement of established neighborhoods of differing densities with compact, walkable infill development, rehabilitation and retention of historic sites and districts, and preservation of open space, farmland and environmental resource land in rural areas. (Sustainability)
  • We seek transit-oriented and mixed-use communities emerging in Regional Activity Centers that will capture new employment and household growth. (Accessibility)

Region Forward Transportation Goal

  • We seek a broad range of public and private transportation choices for our Region which maximizes accessibility and affordability to everyone and minimizes reliance upon single occupancy use of the automobile. (Accessibility)
  • We seek a transportation system that maximizes community connectivity and walkability, and minimizes ecological harm to the Region and world beyond. (Accessibility)

Region Forward Climate Goal

  • We seek a significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, with substantial reductions from the built environment and transportation sector. (Sustainability)
  • We seek efficient public and private use of energy Region-wide, with reliance upon renewable energy and alternative fuels for buildings, vehicles, and public transportation. (Sustainability)

Region Forward Environment Goal

  • We seek to maximize protection and enhancement of the Region’s environmental resources by meeting and exceeding standards for our air, water, and land. (Sustainability)
  • We seek preservation and enhancement of our Region’s open space, green space, and wildlife preserves. (Sustainability)

Region Forward Public Safety Goal

  • We seek safe communities for residents and visitors. (Livability)
  • We seek partnerships that manage emergencies, protect the public health, safety, welfare, and preserve the lives, property and economic well-being of the region and its residents. (Livability)

Region Forward Education Goal

  • We seek to provide greater access to the best education at all levels, from pre-kindergarten to graduate school. (Prosperity)
  • We seek to make our Region a pre-eminent knowledge hub, through educational venues, workforce development, and institutional collaboration. (Prosperity)

Region Forward Housing Goal

  • We seek a variety of housing types and choices in diverse, vibrant, safe, healthy, and sustainable neighborhoods, affordable to persons at all income levels. (Accessibility)
  • We seek to make the production, preservation, and distribution of affordable housing a priority throughout the Region. (Livability)

Region Forward Health Goal

  • We seek communities in which every person enjoys health and well-being. (Livability)

Region Forward Economy Goal

  • We seek a diversified, stable, and competitive economy, with a wide range of employment opportunities and a focus on sustainable economic development. (Prosperity)
  • We seek to minimize economic disparities and enhance the prosperity of each jurisdiction and the Region as a whole through balanced growth and access to high-quality jobs for everyone. (Prosperity)
  • We seek to fully recognize and enhance the benefits that accrue to the region as the seat of the National government and as a world capital. (Prosperity)