
Regional Planning & Land Use

Shaping stronger communities and a better region requires collaboration across jurisdictions and disciplines. The Department of Community Planning and Services leads inter-departmental coordination within COG related to the Region Forward, the region's comprehensive vision plan, and provides support for the Region Forward Coalition, a multi-sector group focused on advancing the plan’s goals and targets. 

While there is no single land use plan for the region, local jurisdictions have widely adopted a similar approach to development, increasingly focused in mixed-use Activity Centers that can best accommodate future growth. In cooperation with its Planning Directors Technical Advisory Committee, COG supports local land use planning and Activity Centers by analyzing growth, providing technical assistance, and sharing best practices for placemaking and development. And since transportation and land use are closely linked, COG fosters better planning through efforts such as the Transportation and Land Use Coordination Program. COG has also partnered with ULI-Washington to fund three Technical Assistance Panels (TAPs) per year in Activity Centers. 

News & Multimedia

  • Think Regionally guests

    Podcast: Pressing for progress on housing

    February 28, 2022

    Officials in metropolitan Washington set shared housing targets in 2019 to ensure all residents have quality housing they can afford. In this episode, host...

  • Blue Line

    Local jurisdictions press on toward regional housing targets

    February 16, 2022

    In the two years since the region’s officials adopted shared Regional Housing Targets for production, affordability, and location near transit, local...

  • New-Carrollton_WMATA

    COG Board makes new planning framework its focus for 2022

    January 12, 2022

    Metropolitan Washington Planning Framework advances recent COG equity, transit, housing, and climate priorities.

  • City of Alexandria

    COG policy committees help lead the way on region's priorities

    March 4, 2021

    The COG Board’s policy committees and independent policy boards are supporting its COVID-19 and equity work, while advising on transportation funding, air...

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