

Ensuring a healthy region for all residents and visitors involves planning and coordination across borders on issues from everyday wellness to emergency response. Engagement with land use, transportation, and environmental decision-makers is also critical since health is so closely tied with the communities in which people live.

COG addresses these priorities through its support of the region’s Health Officials Committee and by developing relationships with regional programs that impact public health. The program focuses on tracking regional health trends, promoting health in all policy making, and responding to specific public health concerns and emerging issues—including preparing for and coordinating during health emergencies.

COG also continues its longtime sponsorship of regional workshops, conferences, and issue dialogues that bring together public health experts, elected officials, and business and community leaders to exchange information and cultivate a healthier region. 


News & Multimedia

  • Farmers Market

    Finding food in the region in the face of COVID-19

    April 9, 2020

    COVID-19 is changing many aspects of our daily lives in metropolitan Washington, including the way we get the food we need to support our health and nutrition....

  • MWCOG-vert_2Lines_RGB-v15

    COVID-19 Cases in the Region (with counter)

    April 6, 2020

    Map shows current data on number of COVID-19 cases in the region and provides a total count.

  • Joint_Statement_Headshots_Page_2

    Local leaders issue STAY HOME joint statement

    March 31, 2020

    Joint statement pledges continued regional collaboaration

  • covidFEAT1098

    Area governments respond to COVID-19

    March 19, 2020

    COG is supporting coordination related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by helping officials communicate and share information about this evolving situation.

Results: 78 found.