Regional Transportation Resilience Subcommittee

The mission of the Regional Transportation Resilience Subcommittee is to provide a forum and framework for the coordination of transportation resilience planning throughout the National Capital Region, and to incorporate resilience into the National Capital Region Transportation Plan (NCRTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The subcommittee aims to foster robust and adaptive transportation systems in the National Capital Region that have the ability to anticipate, prepare for, or adapt to conditions or withstand, respond to, or recover rapidly from disruptions, ensuring the continuous movement of people, goods, and services. Through collaboration, coordination, and strategic planning, members aim to enhance the resilience of transportation systems and infrastructure, mitigate potential current and future risks, and build community resilience with a focus on equity to better adapt to impacts from natural hazards, and potentially in the future, technological failures and other unforeseen challenges.



  1. Create a space for transportation and resilience planners in the NCR to share information on local resilience projects that are currently underway or are being planned.
  2. Create a space for transportation and resilience planners in the NCR to collaborate on issues of regional significance.
  3. Guide regional transportation resilience analysis and study priorities – help TPB choose which projects to pursue and serve as advisory body for those studies.
  4. Expand regional capacity by facilitating presentations, workshops, and other means of sharing best practices in the transportation resilience field.



Membership from representatives of all TPB members is encouraged, including from any regional or local agencies that submit projects to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), or whose work relates to transportation resilience planning. Participating subcommittee members will ideally be at the principal planner level.

The subcommittee will coordinate with and engage the following categories of member localities and agencies as subcommittee members, which is currently planned to include a maximum of 25 individuals representing:

  • TPB Member Jurisdictions
  • TPB Member Agencies
  • Regional Transit Agencies/Authorities
  • Regional Planning Organizations

The Chair of the subcommittee will be a TPB member agency or jurisdiction. Members of the subcommittee will be representatives of the above categories, Ex-Officio members work for federal, state, or local agencies, and transit providers. All other interested parties are welcome to learn more about the topic in an information-only capacity by watching the livestream meetings and reading meeting materials posted to the subcommittee website.



Governance of this committee will follow standard TPB protocols. The subcommittee will be established by the TPB as a subcommittee of the TPB Technical Committee, with a quarterly meeting schedule. A chair will be nominated by staff and will rotate on an annual basis between states, and a member of the TPB staff will be designated as the lead staff person for the subcommittee. Annual work activities will be developed for inclusion by the TPB in the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).