Public Safety Chaplains


The COG Public Safety Chaplains Committee is an interdenominational group of chaplains, duly authorized by their jurisdiction’s Police or Fire Chief, who provide religious support and services to fire and police personnel; provide religious services, rites, sacraments, ordinances, and ministrations for all support units; support critical incident stress management functions; and provide any other logistical needs as requested by command staff. To be on this committee, an individual must meet the following criteria:

  • Appointment by the Chief or designated official as chaplain representing an assisting or cooperating public safety agency.
  • Training in the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
  • Familiarity with emergency response standard operating procedures
  • Participation in public safety/mass casualty regional training drills
  • Training in Critical Incident Stress Management
  • Other training as recommended by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Public Safety Chaplains Subcommittee and the COG Fire Chiefs and Police Chiefs Committee.

All MWCOG Chaplains are certified in at least one of the following disciplines:

  • Basic, Senior or Master Level Training Credentials from the International Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC)
  • Certificate of Basic or Advanced Fire Chaplaincy from the Federation of Fire Chaplains (FFC)
  • Basic or Advanced Level Certification in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) or CISM Resiliency Training.
  • Basic or Advanced Level Certification in Pastoral Crisis Intervention (PCM)
  • Certification in Training in Mass Casualty Incidents/Fatality Response.
  • These individuals participate in ongoing training opportunities related to incident command, critical incident stress management, and other critical topics.