Food and Agriculture Regional Member (FARM) Policy Committee

The FARM Policy Committee's mission is to support development of long-term regional direction and collaboration toward a more resilient, secured, equitable, connected food and farm economy (food system) across urban, suburban and rural communities in the metropolitan Washington region that provides more of the region’s food needs.

For recent news and information on COG's food and agriculture work, visit the Regional Agriculture Initiative page.

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  • Letters/Memos

    COG Priorities for 2024 Farm Bill Reauthorization

    May 31, 2024

    The FARM committee submitted a letter to the Senate and House Agriculture Committees regarding its Farm Bill 2024 Reauthorization Priorities. The letter stressed the significance of the bill and the need to increase funding and programs to address land access challenges and provide culturally relevant outreach, technical assistance, and lower barriers to accessing federal resources for new and beginning Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) farmers. Additionally, it called for increased funding for SNAP benefits and the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)’s Farm to Food Bank Program.

  • Other Documents

    FARM Policy Committee Strategic Plan 2023 - 2024

    Apr 14, 2023

    The Food and Agriculture Regional Member (FARM) Policy Committee Strategic Plan was approved on April 14, 2023.  It provided a framework for FARM's mission to support development of long-term regional direction and collaboration toward a more resilient, secure, equitable, connected food and farm economy (food system) across Metropolitan Washington’s urban, suburban and rural communities to provide more of the region’s food needs.

  • Other Documents

    FARM Policy Committee Work Program and Budget FY23

    Aug 1, 2022

    The FY23 FARM Policy Work Program and Budget is a collaboration between the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ members and local, state, and regional food and agriculture stakeholders.

  • Food-Compendium-cover_thumb

    Healthy Food Access Policy Compendium for Metropolitan Washington

    Jun 10, 2022

    The Healthy Food Access Policy Compendium for Metropolitan Washington highlights state and local policies supporting food security and healthy food access over the last decade. It provides examples of how healthy food access can be improved with community and stakeholder engagement, piloting and evaluating new programs and strategies, and developing policy solutions with commitment and capacity to implement them. This assessment offers a basis for learning while reflecting upon how new efforts focused on equity, sustainability, and resilience can continue to improve policymaking and further benefit the region. 

  • Letters/Memos

    Letter to the USDA Transition Team Regarding Food and Agriculture Regional Member Ad Hoc Committee Priorities

    Jan 14, 2021

    A letter from the Food and Agriculture Regional Member Ad Hoc Committee (FARM) to the USDA Transition Team sharing insights into how federal nutrition programs have been implemented in the region, noting how some changes made by the federal government during COVID-19 have expanded food security and access, and where further changes are needed during and after the public health emergency. The letter also introduces other important FARM priorities.