Watch the hearing (begins at 10:00 A.M.):
Transportation Planning Board (TPB) Chairman Timothy Lovain, City of Alexandria Council Member, will testify Tuesday before the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit on improving the safety and reliability of Metro.
Lovain will appear on the second panel of witnesses, alongside Metro General Manager Paul Wiedefeld and FTA Acting Administrator Carolyn Flowers.
Lovain was elected as TPB Chairman in December 2015. He has also served as TPB Vice Chairman, and led the TPB's Human Service Transportation Task Force, which has helped administer grants providing millions of dollars for transportation improvements for people with disabilities and older adults.
The TPB is the federally-designated metropolitan planning organization for the region, and it is housed and staffed by Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG). The TPB serves as the regional forum for transportation planning and prepares plans and programs that the federal government must approve in order for federal-aid transportation funds to flow to the region.
Read Chairman Lovain's testimony.