TPB News

TPB proclaims May 20 as Bike to Work Day 2016

Apr 26, 2016

TPB Chairman signs the official proclamation making May 20th Bike to Work Day. (Photo by TPB)
TPB Chairman Tim Lovain signs the official proclamation making May 20 Bike to Work Day. (Photo by TPB)

The TPB kicked off the month-long lead-up to this year’s regional Bike to Work Day with a proclamation-signing on April 20. Bike to Work Day aims to inspire first-time bicycle commuters and encourage people who already bike to work to do so more often.

TPB Chairman Tim Lovain signed the official TPB proclamation, which sets Friday, May 20, as this year’s Bike to Work Day. The proclamation also encourages local jurisdictions across the region to promote the event and reminds participants of the importance of bicycle safety.

Read the full Bike to Work Day proclamation

WABA's Greg Billing, Alexandria's Tim Lovain, Montgomery County's Bridget Newton, DC's Elissa Silverman, and Nicholas Ramfos (Photo by TPB)
WABA's Greg Billing, Alexandria's Tim Lovain, Rockville's Bridget Newton, DC's Elissa Silverman, and the COG's Nicholas Ramfos pose with the signed proclamation. (Photo by TPB)

Lovain was joined at the proclamation-signing by Nicholas Ramfos, who heads the TPB’s Commuter Connections program, and by Greg Billing, the executive director of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA). Commuter Connections and WABA have co-organized Bike to Work Day regionally every year since 2001.

Nearly 17,500 commuters participated in Bike to Work Day last year. Organizers expect as many as 18,500 to register this year.

More tips and information leading up to May 20

In the coming weeks we’ll have more tips and information to help you plan for this year’s Bike to Work Day, including where to find your nearest pit stop, how to join a commuter convoy, and where you can find tips on what to wear and how to pack for bike-to-work trip. Stay tuned!

Learn more at!

Listen to audio from the April 20 proclamation signing:

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