News Highlight

Officials Promote National Cyber Security Month

Oct 7, 2014

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month and COG and its member governments are calling attention to the topic, which is essential to the region’s emergency preparedness, prosperity, and everyday life. Cyber security is the collection of tools, policies, and actions that can be used to protect against incidents that compromise information assets like networks, systems, and data.

  • Arlington County launched a month-long communications promotion which includes weekly message posters, calendars, and best-practice pamphlets. The County has also been the voice for and worked with the Virginia state government to advance the Cyber Security Concerns and Solutions for local governments in the commonwealth;
  • Fairfax County is conducting a Security Awareness event October 31; and
  • Frederick County is promoting Stop.Think.Connect. in the County Column.

Cyber security has been a focus of area officials over the past several years. In November 2013, COG’s National Capital Region Emergency Preparedness Council hosted a seminar for more than 100 high-level officials to discuss how to prepare and respond to cyber threats. The seminar informed the development of new regional cyber security planning, which recommends outreach, training, and investment in information technology security.

COG’s Chief Information Officers Committee is providing the following links for more information on National Cyber Security Awareness Month and how governments, business and individuals can protect themselves from cyber threats. 

Department of Homeland Security - National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Center for Internet Security - National Cyber Security Awareness Month

National Cyber Security Alliance - National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Daily Cyber Security Tip from the Center for Internet Security

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cyber security

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