News Highlight

City and County Managers Share Ideas at First Regional Retreat

Dec 4, 2013


Prince William County Executive Melissa Peacor, Chair of the COG CAOs Committee

The region’s chief administrative officers (CAOs) and Deputy CAOs met for a first-of-its-kind retreat to strengthen partnerships across area jurisdictions. The meeting, which was organized by the Council of Governments and held at the Wolf Trap Education Center in Fairfax County, was an opportunity for these top government managers to share ideas related to their various responsibilities, including public safety, oversight of transportation projects and environmental programs.  

While the CAOs hold regular committee meetings at COG, the December 4 retreat provided an informal setting for the over 50 participants to reintroduce themselves to their colleagues from other jurisdictions and collaborate on regional issues.

Prince William County Executive Melissa Peacor, Chair of the COG CAOs Committee, emceed the meeting and highlighted that, “As a region, we really are all in this together. We can share our ideas and practice them and, as public agencies, spread that wealth efficiently for our constituents.”

Dr. Bob Rosen, a business and public leadership coach and author of the book, Grounded: How Leaders Stay Rooted in an Uncertain World, delivered a keynote speech with tips for leaders in the public and private sector to maintain their effectiveness. He highlighted best practices in stress management, awareness of employee needs and self-awareness along with other core themes of his recently written book.

Prince George's County Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Barry Stanton


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