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EPC Seminar Focuses on Cyber Security

Nov 21, 2013

EPC Chair and District of Columbia Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice Paul Quander addresses participants

The National Capital Region Emergency Preparedness Council (EPC) convened earlier this month at its annual Senior Leaders Seminar to discuss how to prepare and respond to cyber threats in the Washington area. With over 100 leaders in law enforcement, crime prevention, tech and government sharpening their skills and making new and improved connections across jurisdictions, the region is better prepared for cyber calamities. Whether an attack on digital banking or government data storage, coordination can help limit or prevent serious damage.
EPC Chair and District of Columbia Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice Paul Quander provided welcoming remarks. The seminar also featured two keynotes from Department of Homeland Security staff leading the session, and groups from each state met to share plans and break down silos of cyber defense. Staffers and officials from every tier of government were briefed on best practices in web and database security, which can be implemented through increased cooperation, better integration with cyber security protocols and through inter-governmental data sharing. Information discussed during the Senior Leaders Seminar will be used to inform cyber security planning being developed for the region.

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