Region Forward Blog

Get involved and help make metro DC cleaner greener and more sustainable

Dec 22, 2011


The last time we put out a call here for public participation you guys responded with lots of inquiries and helped us recruit some great members for the Region Forward Coalition.

That was the second time the blogosphere and twitterverse came through for us by finding some awesome talent for regionally-focused groups. Ready for round 3?

The Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee is recruiting new members for the Air and Climate Public Advisory Committee (ACPAC) for 2011. ACPAC advises on air quality climate and energy and environmental issues to several policy committees at MWCOG.

ACPAC represents diverse community interests and opinions and provides an opportunity to provide input to local leaders. Members represent communities across the region and come from a variety of backgrounds such as the health business education scientific and environmental sectors.

Here’s some more details on ACPAC: It’s made up of 18 total members six each from the District Maryland and Virginia. There are currently four spots open: two for MD and one each for DC and VA.

Some of the topics upcoming in 2012 for ACPAC include providing input on the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board’s (TPB) Transportation Priorities Plan the Climate Adaptation Guidebook for the metro Washington region and the energy efficiency and sustainability outreach program currently under development.

Region Forward includes some very ambitious air quality and climate targets like reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% below 2005 levels by 2020 and by 80% by 2050 as well as going above and beyond the federal standards for air quality. These targets are based on the science which says that these are the levels of emissions necessary to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

Meeting these targets won’t be easy and everyone – citizen corporation and politician – has to be involved. Here’s a chance for RF followers to do so.

If you want to have a say in the local public policy process and help the region meet the RF goals for air quality and greenhouse gas emissions here’s your chance. Please fill out the online interest form today or contact Maia Davis for more information. ACPAC is recruiting members through January 15 2012.

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