Region Forward Blog

Global Fridays: The long line survival kit edition

Jul 15, 2011


We have a feeling that you may find yourself waiting in a very long line today or sometime this weekend (there’s some major movie thing going on) so today’s Global Fridays features a number of goings-on out in the world related to Region Forward to help you pass the time. Enjoy!

Australia’s Prime Minister is proposing the development of a carbon trading plan for the country hoping that the second time is the charm (a proposal by the former PM was rejected). If created Australia’s program would be the second largest in the world behind the European Union.

While Capital Bikeshare (CaBi) continues to get rave reviews and break ridership records how is London’s system doing? “Boris Bikes” as it’s popularly called across the pond is now one of the largest systems in Europe along with those in Paris and Barcelona; however The Guardian reports that it’s suffering from poor management and high costs.

The state of the global housing market is very mixed. While some Asian markets are booming (Honk Kong Singapore) Japan is hovering near the bottom. Likewise Europe is all over the place. France Belgium and Switzerland are riding high (too high?) while Spain and Ireland are teetering. US prices have decline by 33 percent since 2006.

Earlier this week Climate Progress reported on new figures showing that the industrialized world is quickly losing ground in the development of clean energy. In 2010 for the first time ever spending in developing countries on green energy outpaced spending by wealthy countries ($72 billion and $70 billion respectively).

Lastly in the UK folks appear to be driving less. That’s great news for those of us who care about the environment and supporting alternative modes of transport no doubt but it’s also putting a hole in government coffers since gas taxes (“petrol” taxes in British) are a substantial source of revenue. As the article notes like we have in the past this is what happens we taxes work.

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