Region Forward Blog

Columbia Pike: Early streetcar suburb rediscovers its roots

Jul 1, 2011
Region Forward


On June 24 Arlington County’s “Under One Roof” housing blog finished up a great series on Columbia Pike which covered a number of topics ranging from the history of the area to the upcoming streetcar to green building. The folks at Under One Roof have allowed us to cross-post the series here. Enjoy and have a great July 4th!

Welcome to the Columbia Pike Blog Series

Exciting things are happening on the Pike: the streetcar the Giant Arlington Mill. Read about all of it and more below:

Columbia Pike From Past to Present
The Columbia Pike Initiative-Pursuing Changes Along the Pike
Housing Choices Contribute to Columbia Pike’s Vibrancy
The Streetcar
Historic Preservation on the Pike
A Better Pike: Better for Your Health
A Slice of the Pike Best Experienced on Foot
Opportunities for Public Input – Share your Ideas
Outreach Program Helps Newcomers Connect with Community

Green building and LEED on Columbia Pike

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