Region Forward Blog

Global Fridays: International power shifts seen through cities

Apr 1, 2011


In 2025 nine of the ten cities with the fastest economic growth rates will be in China. That’s according to a new McKinsey Institute report on how the world’s major cities will change between now and 2025.

While western cities like Tokyo New York and Paris will still dominate in terms of overall GDP (not rate of growth) three Chinese cities – Shanghai Beijing and Shenzhen – will break into the top 10 of that list with other major developing country cities like São Paulo and Mexico City cracking the top 25.

Some other interesting projections from the report:

– Metro Washington will be the world’s 13th largest metropolitan economy

Norway (population approximately 5 million) will have three of the world’s richest cities based on per-capita income; Bridgeport Connecticut and Calgary Alberta (Canada) are the two highest North American cities on that metric

– A vast majority of the largest cities by population will be found in developing countries though Tokyo will still be the world’s most populous city

Find more interesting statistics and read more about the ramifications of these economic and population shifts here.


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