Region Forward Blog

The Yardstick's Year-End RoundupThe Yardstick's Year-End Roundup

Dec 23, 2010


We’ll be taking some time off over the next week to recharge for 2011 and we at The Yardstick wish all of the RF community happy holidays! If you have some time to kill or if you need a break from the family we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite blog posts since our launch this year for your enjoyment:

Europe at the helm which Google Analytics tells us is one of our most popular Global Friday posts to date on how Europe is leading the world on climate

D.C. Council-elect Kwame Brown on Bringing Workforce Development into the 21st Century

8.6 million in 2040 provides some very interesting projections related to population jobs and housing in the metro Washington region in 2040

WaPo columnist Robert McCartney argues that RF should be used as a plan to build a model region; Prince George’s new County Exec Rushern Baker also talks RF

Height limits: Paris and D.C. are both major capital cities with height limits on buildings – what are the implications on affordability?

Tamara Copeland President of the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers discusses local philanthropy’s support of RF and how to move the initiative forward

Speaking of affordability how can a community undergoing dramatic change preserve its identity (and affordability) while embracing development?

Cities! Cities! Cities! The resurgence of American cities has been talked about for awhile might it now get some acceleration from deficit hawks? Are city-states a thing of the past or a model for the future? Does (city) size matter?

Peggy Sand Director of the Capital Area Foreclosure Network discusses how the foreclosure crisis is making regional divisions worse

High speed ambition? The pursuit of high-speed rail in the U.S.: Part 1 Part 2

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