Region Forward Blog

The Morning Measure: Promoting accessibility in our region and around the world

Dec 16, 2010


How can we meet RF’s goals and targets to reduce VMT while maximizing accessibility and affordability? There are a number of creative approaches to making communities more livable and accessible and according to a new US Census analysis done by The Washington Post more people are choosing to ditch their cars and live more accessible lifestyles that liberate them from automobile ownership and provide them more transportation choices.

We here at The Yardstick noticed an exciting campaign captured in this video showing how Munich has taken a proactive approach to increase bicycling use in an urban transportation system. For a city and region of its size Munich has an incredibly extensive public transportation system enabling folks to ditch their cars more often or completely. It is these types of campaigns that can help our region capitalize on this current trend in which more people interested in living car-free (or car-lite) lifestyles.

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