This event, titled "Working Together: How States and Regions Can Achieve Common Goals," was held on October 17 and was a joint effort by the National Governor's Association (NGA), the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG). The purpose of the event was to provide a sound understanding of the work of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Regional Councils (RCs) – large, small, urban and rural – and how it can complement state initiatives in transportation, economic development, emergency preparedness and environmental planning.
The afternoon session of the event included an interactive panel discussion with regional leaders and experts. The panel consisted of Richard Muth, Director of the Maryland Emergency Management Agency, Thomas Ballou from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Rick Rybeck from the District of Columbia Department of Transportation and TPB Alternate, and Michael Dowd from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. David Robertson, Executive Director of COG, moderated the panel discussion.
The event was attended by representatives from thirteen states and Puerto Rico.