News Release

TPB's Transportation Land-Use Connections (TLC) Program to Provide Technical Assistance to MD, VA, and DC Projects

Feb 20, 2008

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) approved eleven projects today as a part of its Transportation Land-Use Connection (TLC) program.  The TLC program, launched at the end of 2006, works with local governments in the metropolitan region to integrate land use and transportation planning at the community level. 


In addition to providing transit and land use-oriented information through an online clearinghouse, the TLC program provides local jurisdictions the assistance of a professional consultant to help work on creative and sustainable plans and projects.


In November, 2007, the TLC program invited member jurisdictions to apply for short-term technical assistance to advance their transportation and land use coordination activities.  Each of the eleven projects selected and approved by the TPB will receive $20,000 in technical assistance.  The projects, to be completed by June 20, 2008, will address regional issues such as pedestrian safety, traffic flow near transit stations, parking, and transit capacity and service among and within activity centers. 


The eleven approved projects-seven in Maryland, two in Virginia, and two in D.C.-vary in complexity and scope.  A few of the projects include:

  • D.C.: Project to analyze data on parking management near the new ballpark, resulting in parking regulation recommendations. 
  • D.C.: Project to evaluate multimodal access and potential improvements for the area surrounding the Takoma metro station. 
  • Prince William County, VA: Project to develop strategies for transportation and land use to accomplish the County vision for a vibrant community along the Route 28 Corridor. 
  • Arlington, VA: Project to review the parking management plan approval process and recommend measures to incorporate parking management earlier in the development process. 
  • Frederick County, MD: Project to determine needs for transit, bicycle/pedestrian, and intersection improvements for transportation facilities around Fort Detrick in response to BRAC expansion.
  • Prince George’s County, MD: Project to identify and recommend strategies for future development around the Landover metro station.

The TLC program not only addresses smart growth issues like building affordable housing close to public transit, but also strives to meet the resulting challenges, such as development impacts on traffic and public transit. 


For more information on the TLC program visit

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