News Release

COG Board Endorses “Cool Capital Challenge”

Feb 13, 2008

Washington, DC – The COG Board of Directors endorsed the “Cool Capital Challenge” launched in April, 2007 by volunteers from businesses, government agencies, congregations, and community and environmental organizations. COG’s Climate Change Steering Committee also supports the challenge and its goal to prevent one billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions in the National Capital Region through the following activities: 

  • Replacing existing light bulbs with compact florescent bulbs
  • Conducting energy audits of existing buildings
  • Maintaining heating and cooling equipment
  • Encouraging carpooling, telecommuting, and the use of public transit
  • Planting tress and shrubs strategically

COG’s support for the challenge “provides individuals with specific steps they can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” Nancy Floreen, Chair of the Climate Change Steering Committee, and Montgomery County Council member told the COG Board. Greenhouse gas reduction activities can be undertaken by government agencies, businesses, citizen groups, congregations, and individuals. In addition to encouraging its member jurisdictions to participate in the challenge, COG elected to join as a corporate entity.

The COG Board expressed support for resolutions in the Maryland and Virginia general assemblies, including a Maryland bill to establish a 15% reduction in electricity consumption, and a Virginia bill to establish a Commission on Energy and Climate change. The Board also approved resolutions in Maryland and Virginia to establish Green Building standards. For more information on the “Cool Capital Challenge” visit

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