
IRE Project Gallery

Since the inception of IRE's Regional Executive Development Program, one major component has been working on a team project with regional a focus. These projects are then presented during a poster session allowing each team an opportunity to share their projects with a diverse audience comprised of the Chief Administrative Officers, staff from the George Washington University and COG; as well as guests from other agencies. Below are project teams completed by each cohort.

2021-2022 REDP Cohort 18 Project Teams

  • Housing Affordability
  • Regional Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Retaining Government Employees, “How to retain government Employees in a competitive market”

2019 - 2020 REDP Cohort 17 Project Teams

  • Safe Road Sharing
  • Affordable Housing
  • Vulnerable Youth
  • Glass Recycling

2017 - 2018 REDP Cohort 16 Project Teams

  • One Water
  • A Case for a Regional Approach to Connected and
    Autonomous Vehicles (C/AV)
  • Sharing Isn’t Caring
  • Passing the Baton: Succession Planning in Local
  • Affordable Housing

2016 - 2017 REDP Cohort 15 Project Teams

  • Regional Community Intelligence System
  • Advance Regional Opportunities with Bike and Pedestrian Access to Metro
  • “What’s Going On?  Investigating the increase in murder, opioid use ,and gang activity in the region.”
  • Mental Illness is Not a Crime
  • Career & Technology Education (CTE) Leaves No Gap

2015 - 2016 REDP Cohort 14 Project Teams

  • Aging in Place: Living with Dementia
  • Integrating Immigrant Population into Government and Health Care Services
  • Public Messaging for Disaster Preparedness
  • Diversifying the Regional Economy
  • Collaboration among the Region’s Major Airports

2014 - 2015 REDP Cohort 13 Project Teams

  • Maximizing Regional Opportunities for Public Libraries
  • Composting: Sustainable Food Waste Reduction in the National Capital Region
  • Washington Region: Open for Business Together

2013 - 2014 REDP Cohort 12 Project Teams

  • Never too Old for a Family
  • Attention Pedestrians: Are You Distracted?
  • Developing Leadership in Our Diverse Region
  • Bridge the Affordable Workforce Housing Gap
  • Can Private Capital Fund Social Innovation?

2012 - 2013 REDP Cohort 11 Project Teams

  • Building Stronger State and Federal Relationships with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
  • Connecting Service Providers to Engage the Region’s Immigrants
  • Regional Activity Centers: Keys to Stakeholder Engagement
  • Situational Awareness: Enhancing Regional Information Sharing
  • The Stormwater Revolution Begins With You

2010 - 2011 REDP Cohort 10 Project Teams

  • Effective use of social network technologies in communication between government and citizens
  • Identifying appropriate responses to Chesapeake Bay Act
  • Meeting the challenge of attracting and retaining the next generation of municipal employees by strengthening the brand of local government
  • Developing a regional business plan to support economic development
  • Addressing infant mortality in the region through improved maternal-child health approaches

2009 - 2010 REDP Cohort 9 Project Teams

  • Improving Vocational Training
  • Improving Air Quality through Forest Preservation
  • Addressing Food Deserts
  • Improving Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety

2008 - 2009 REDP Cohort 8 Project Teams

  • Recommendations to address Social Determinants of Health Disparities
  • Working but Homeless: Strategies to Reduce Homelessness among Working Persons in the Washington Region
  • Locally Grown: Preserving Regional Agriculture
  • Improving the Region's Ability to Respond to Snow Events

2007 - 2008 REDP Cohort 7 Project Teams

  • Local Solutions to Prevent Climate Change – Programs to create awareness and promote behavior change
  • Improving Partnerships Between the Region's Local Governments and the Federal Government
  • Using Social-Ecological Model as a Framework for Youth Violence Prevention
  • Strategies to Reduce Home Foreclosures in the Washington Region
  • Reducing Homelessness: Creating a Standardized Web-based Homeless Management Information System in the Washington Region

2006 – 2007 REDP Cohort 6 Project Teams

  • A Regional Strategy for Addressing Climate Change
  • COG at 50: Lessons Learned in Regional Collaboration
  • Addressing the Day Laborer Issue in the NCR
  • Improving Access to Taxi Service for the Disabled

2005 – 2006 REDP Cohort 5 Project Teams

  • Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: Public Sector Planning Considerations
  • Energy Conservation: Are you an Energy Star?
  • Foster Families: Tracking Success Stories
  • Hoarding: An Accumulating Secret
  • McMansionization: Community Impacts and Policy Alternatives

2004 – 2005 REDP Cohort 4 Project Teams

  • Why They Stay and Why They Go" – Regional Strategies for Retaining Foster Care Providers
  • Message Received! Roadmap to Interoperability
  • Environmental Report Card
  • Do You Walk the Talk? 10,000 Steps to Healthier Communities in Metropolitan D.C.
  • Examination of Regional Transportation Needs for Elderly Residents of Washington Metro Region

2003- 2004 - REDP Cohort 3 Project Teams

  • Economic Development
  • Education Team
  • Foster Care Team
  • Transportation
  • Environment Team
  • Public Safety

2002 - 2003 REDP Cohort 2 Project Teams

  • Low Cost Ways to Improve Regional Pedestrian Safety
  • Putting a Public Face on Affordable Housing
  • Citizens Prepared on the Home Front
  • Cultural Arts and Entertainment Districts: As a Revitalization Tool
  • The Greening of Regional School Bus Fleets

2001 – 2002 REDP Cohort 1 Project Teams

  • Water Supply Security in the Washington Metropolitan Region
  • Regional Light Rail Coordination - An Assessment of Inter-Jurisdictional Light Rail Development in the Washington DC Metropolitan Region
  • Implementing COG's Affordable Housing Strategy 'Live Near Your Work' Programs
  • Public Safety Team
  • Managing Growth Together: Regional Collaboration