

View current internship opportunities.

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) is a voluntary association of the area’s eighteen local governments, working cooperatively to solve mutual problems that are regional in scope and not confined by political or geographic boundaries.

COG is strongly committed to its intern and co-op programs because COG recognizes that many benefits can be derived from an intern employment - for students and agency alike. The interns’ creativity, curiosity and energy applied to the organization’s program often give the regular staff new ideas, challenges and renewed enthusiasm. The internships also provide an opportunity for the students to test a career decision against the complexities of the profession, apply schoolroom theory to real world considerations, and gain specialized training and practice under experts in current techniques, methods and equipment.

Types of Positions Offered

A limited number of students will be accepted to work in the environmental, human services and public safety, regional planning and administrative areas at COG.

COG offers paid, unpaid, full-time and part-time internships (specific internship opportunities for this summer are shown on the Job Listings page). All participating interns work as an integral part of the professional COG staff: meeting with COG management staff, utilizing COG data resources, and attending meetings of policy and technical committees and the Board of Directors.

Intern Benefits

All paid COG interns are eligible to receive holiday pay, transit subsidies and access to our onsite exercise room. Direct deposit of biweekly pay and membership into our credit union is also an option. All non-paid COG interns are eligible to receive transit subsidies and access to our onsite exercise room. Also, all COG Interns along with interns from several local agencies in support of public administration come together weekly during the summer to take part in a brown bag seminar series. These seminars expose the interns to professionals in local governments and private organizations. Speakers discuss critical issues facing the region today and offer insight and information regarding intern career development.

Minimum Qualifications

See current listing for specific requirements for each internship position offered. Applicants who have completed the educational requirements, but are not presently enrolled in a degree program, may also apply.


Final selection of interns is based upon interviews with selections for interviews being based on the strength of the students' qualifications as presented in their application materials. After a qualified resume is received and reviewed, it is routed for the hiring departments for further consideration. Interns will be selected as soon as the interview process has been completed. Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. Due to the large volume of resumes received, we are unable to accommodate telephone inquires regarding the status of applications. Continued internship employment is contingent upon satisfactory performance. COG is not obligated to retain interns for more than one work period or to offer regular employment beyond the work period.

To Apply Please Send

  • A cover letter listing your two internship choices (by job code) in order of preference;
  • A recent resume;
  • A 3-5 page writing sample on any subject (these cannot be returned); and
  • A copy of your transcript via mail to:
    Internship Coordinator
    Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
    777 North Capitol Street, N.E., #300
    Washington, D.C. 20002-4239
    FAX: 202-962-3715
    COG currently does not accept resumes submitted via e-mail.

    Other Contact Info:
    202-962-3213 (ttd)
    202-962-3397 (job line)

Complete application materials can not be returned. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments is an Equal Opportunity Employer