The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments has been working to connect and support area officials in their efforts to prepare for and respond to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)—sharing best practices, research, data, and messaging. This network includes elected officials, city and county managers, health officials, emergency managers, public information officers, food security leaders, as well as private and nonprofit sector partners.
Sections on this page:
COG staff have tracked the regional impacts of COVID-19—particularly the effects on the transportation system, economy, environment, and health. Staff will continue to provide updates on these multi-sector impacts to COG and TPB committees. These analyses help the region understand the magnitude of the challenges faced, and what it will take to get back on the path to a more equitable and resilient region.

COVID-19 Impacts in Metropolitan Washington
COVID-19 Travel Monitoring Snapshot
Regional Economic Monitoring System (REMS) Report
COG has supported area officials in their efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 and ensure a safe, effective, and equitable vaccine distribution. COG members have received updates on the region’s progress on vaccines and best practices on vaccine distribution during briefings to the COG Board of Directors as well as a special webinar series. Public information officers have regularly shared information through their COG committees and developed regional messages to complement and amplify their local and state vaccination outreach initiatives. COG also created a map of mass vaccination sites, which showed the region's distribution network, and shared information on emergency food resources with its members using the region's geospatial data exchange tool and compiling a list of government and partner resources. In addition, COG tracked and shared reopening changes by area governments and school systems.

On March 31, 2020, 21 chief local elected officials joined together through COG to issue a joint STAY HOME statement, the first of many coordinated regional COVID-19 actions.
Joint letter by regional organizations requesting emergency federal funds for mass transit systems (December 15, 2020)
COG Board Letter to federal partners on a vaccine distribution strategy that supports the metropolitan Washington region's needs (December 11, 2020)
COG Board Resolution R25-2020: Support of allocation of federal funds to ensure housing stability (July 8, 2020)
COG Board Resolution R21-2020: Support of additional federal COVID-19 funds for states and localities (May 13, 2020)
TPB Letter: Ensuring financial stability and viability of NCR transportation system and service post COVID-19 (April 27, 2020)
COG Board Resolution R17-2020: Strategy for reopening the National Capital Region (April 22, 2020)
COG Board Resolution R16-2020: Support of additional federal COVID-19 funds for DC (April 8, 2020)
Joint stay home statement by 21 chief elected officials through COG (March 31, 2020)
COG Board Resolution R15-2020: Support for region as COVID-19 testing site (March 18, 2020)
District of Columbia
City of Bowie
Charles County
City of College Park
City of Frederick
Frederick County
City of Gaithersburg
City of Greenbelt
City of Hyattsville
City of Laurel
Montgomery County
Prince George’s County
City of Rockville
City of Takoma Park
City of Alexandria
Arlington County
City of Fairfax
Fairfax County
City of Falls Church
Loudoun County
City of Manassas
City of Manassas Park
Prince William County
Maryland Department of Health
Virginia Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)