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Electric Vehicle (EV) Deployment Clearinghouse

Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a cornerstone of the COG Board’s Region United: Metropolitan Washington Planning Framework for 2030 and the Region Forward Vision for a more prosperous, accessible, livable, and sustainable future. Transitioning towards zero emission vehicles and building out the regional electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure network are key GHG mitigation strategies identified in the Metropolitan Washington 2030 Climate and Energy Action Plan. Accelerating action on EVs and EV infrastructure also supports the board's commitment to investing in and expanding regional infrastructure

In 2022, the COG Board identified EV deployment as a regional priority. The board recognizes the need for increased collaboration to support EV plans, programs, and policies as necessary to meet regional climate goals. With the adoption of Resolution R40-2022, the COG Board (1) established a Regional Electric Vehicle Deployment (REVD) Working Group to serve as a forum for members to collaborate and coordinate action; and (2) called for the development of an EV Deployment Clearinghouse. 

Electric Vehicle Deployment Clearinghouse:

The EV Deployment Clearinghouse is a resource to support COG member local governments on EV deployment within their government operations and community-wide. The Clearinghouse will continue to be regularly updated to capture the latest information to support communities with EV deployment. The Clearinghouse includes:  

News & Multimedia

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    Metro, in partnership with Complete Coach Works (CCW), and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), hosted a demonstration on August 24 of a...

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Results: 22 found.