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Racial Equity

Inaugural COG GARE Racial Equity Cohort

Inaugural COG-GARE Racial Equity Cohort

Racial equity is a fundamental COG value, which has been affirmed by the Board of Directors in the following statement and resolution R26-2020 approved in July 2020.

The Board affirms that our work together as the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments will be anti-racist and will advance equity; and

The Board affirms that Equity will be woven into COG’s Region Forward Vision to ensure a more prosperous, accessible, livable, sustainable, and equitable future for all area residents and throughout COG’s analyses, operations, procurement, programs, and priorities.

COG’s Chief Equity Officers Committee, comprised of the Chief Equity Officer or equity lead from each member jurisdiction, serves as the hub for advancing racial equity initiatives across the region, within COG’s member governments, and through COG’s work. As part of its commitment to advancing equity, COG has also partnered with the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) on professional development programs for local government staff members as well as elected officials.

Regarding COG programs, the Health Officials Committee has focused on addressing health inequities, especially those perpetuated by structural racism. COG and its members are also developing a fair housing plan for the region to advance solutions to ensure greater housing equity. In 2020, the TPB approved resolution R1-2021 to establish equity as a fundamental value and integral part of all of its work activities.

In addition, the COG Board of Directors endorsed Equity Emphasis Areas (EEAs) as a key planning concept. EEAs, which are locations with high concentrations of traditionally underserved groups of people, are now used across disciplines to help elevate equity and inform decision-makers seeking to lift up these communities.

News & Multimedia

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Results: 55 found.