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Region United

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To address key, interconnected challenges and advance our region’s vision for a more prosperous, accessible, livable, and sustainable future, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ (COG) Board of Directors has set planning priorities for the next decade related to equity, transit and land use, housing, and climate change. Taken together, these priorities form Region United: Metropolitan Washington Planning Framework for 2030.

At its January 2022 meeting, the board agreed to focus on advancing this framework and identifying ways for COG to boost its members’ efforts turn these goals into action.


The following four planning priorities make up the framework for 2030.

Equity Emphasis Areas (EEAs) - Planning concept to elevate equity and inform future growth and investment decisions. 364 locations with high concentrations of traditionally underserved communities.

High-Capacity Transit Station Areas (HCTs) - Planning concept to better leverage the region’s major investment in transit and inform future growth and investment decisions. 225 locations around Metrorail, commuter rail, light rail, bus rapid transit, and streetcar stations that are in place or will be by 2030.

2030 Housing Targets - Planning targets to address the region’s housing needs. Targets call for at least 75,000 additional housing units by 2030 beyond the 245,000 new units already anticipated, 75 percent of the units in Activity Centers or High-Capacity Transit Station Areas, and 75 percent of the units affordable to low-and-middle income households.

2030 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Goal and Action Plan - Planning goal and action plan to address climate change at the regional level. Goal calls for a 50 percent reduction in GHG emissions below baseline levels—or 2005 emission levels.

COG 2030 Framework

The framework's planning priorities help advance equity and the overarching goals in COG’s Region Forward Vision for a more prosperous, accessible, livable, and sustainable future.


Using this planning framework as a guide, COG will support its members by:

  • Fostering further peer-to-peer learning and informing more comprehensive planning and decision-making,
  • Promoting its flexible grant and technical assistance programs as well as identifying external funding to jumpstart promising local projects, and
  • Communicating more effectively about our shared goals and solutions with area stakeholders and the public.

COG is making available a wide array of resources, including funding opportunities, staff expertise, and interactive tools, to help propel this work forward.

Housing Affordability Planning Program (HAPP) -  COG grant program supporting planning initiatives and projects that could increase the amount and affordability of housing near transit. Funded through the Amazon Housing Equity Fund.

HAPP page

EV Deployment Clearinghouse - COG resource to support member local governments on EV deployment within their government operations and community-wide.

EV Deployment Clearinghouse page

HCTs/EEAs Maps and Data - COG's website has standalone regional maps of HCTs and EEAs as well as an interactive microsite for exploring regional and jurisdiction-specific maps, data on demographics of EEAs, and forecast growth in HCTs.

HCTs/EEAs maps

Visit the Region United Framework Resources page for a full list of links to additional information or view some of the featured resources below.

HCT and EEA map

News & Multimedia

  • COG_Board_and_Policy_Commitee_Chairs_(4)

    2022 Video: Region United, Accelerating Action

    December 21, 2022

    In COG’s annual video, local leaders share the ways they are working together at COG to advance equity, transit, housing, and climate goals in the Region United...

  • Untitled_design_(5)

    Highlights from the 2022 Annual Meeting

    December 15, 2022

    Elected officials gathered with area business and non-profit leaders to celebrate achievements made as a region in 2022, including new initiatives to add...

  • EV Charging

    Area officials endorse new regional electric vehicle planning initiatives

    September 14, 2022

    The COG Board has adopted a resolution to establish an Electric Vehicle (EV) Deployment Clearinghouse and an EV Deployment Working Group to help expand EV...

Results: 28 found.