
Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting

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We’ll be at the TRB 96th Annual Meeting Jan. 8-12, 2017!

Staff from COG's Department of Transportation Planning have been participating in the TRB Annual Meeting for many years to share their latest research and learn from others about recent advances in transportation planning and engineering practice.

This year, more than a dozen COG/TPB staff are attending the Annual Meeting. Some are making presentations at one of the nearly 750 planned workshops, lectures, or poster sessions, while others are participating as members of standing committees to help guide future TRB research and identify innovations to be featured at future conferences. COG/TPB staff's involvement at this year's TRB Annual Meeting is detailed below

COG/TPB Staff Involvement at TRB

Poster Presentations

State of Transportation in a Day Without Metro in Washington, DC, Region

COG/TPB Staff: Wenjing Pu (primary), Nicole McCall, Meseret Seifu, Benjamin Hampton, Ronald Milone, Robert Griffiths, and Andrew J. Meese
Session Title: Innovative Big Data Solutions for Transportation Challenges (#359)
Date & Time: Mon., Jan. 9, 1:30-3:15 P.M.


Creating Regional Traffic Narratives with Big Data

COG/TPB Staff: Benjamin Hampton and Wenjing Pu
Session Title: Fresh Ideas for Statewide Multimodal Planning: Innovative Partnerships Toward Shared Goals (#692)
Date & Time: Tue., Jan. 10, 3:45-5:30 P.M.

Membership on Standing TRB Committees

Accessible Transportation and Mobility (ABE60) Kenneth Joh, Secretary
Transportation Demand Forecasting (ADB40) Mark Moran, Member
Transportation Planning Applications (ADB50) Erin Morrow, Member
Transportation Planning Applications Conference Planning Subcommittee (ADB50-1) Erin Morrow, Conference Chair, presiding
Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Subcommittee Kenneth Joh, Friend
Geographic Information Science and Applications (ABJ60) Charlene Howard, Member
Standing Committee on Transportation and Air Quality (ADC20) Jinchul (JC) Park, Attendee
Standing Committee on Transportation and Land Development (ADD30) Lori Zeller, Member
Standing Committee on Pedestrians (ANF10) Lori Zeller, Friend
Standing Committee on Bicycle Transportation (ANF20) Charlene Howard, Friend
Standing Committee on Paratransit (AP060) Wendy Klancher, Member
Intergovernmental Relations in Aviation (AV010) Rich Roisman, Member


Past COG/TPB Staff Involvement

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the TRB Annual Meeting

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is a private, nonprofit institution associated with the National Academy of Sciences. TRB's mission is to promote innovation and progress in transportation through research:

"In an objective and interdisciplinary setting, TRB facilitates the sharing of information on transportation practice and policy by researchers and practitioners; stimulates research and offers research management services that promote technical excellence; provides expert advice on transportation policy and programs; and disseminates research results broadly and encourages their implementation."

At the TRB Annual Meeting, held each January in Washington, DC, thousands of transportation professionals from around the country and the world gather to share their research and experience related to all transportation modes. The Annual Meeting consists of more than 4,500 presentations in nearly 800 sessions and workshops addressing topics of interest to policymakers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions.

Staff Contact

For more information on COG/TPB staff involvement at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, please contact:

Mark Moran - (202) 962-3392