A conference for TPB board members and other regional officials to examine where we are now and where we can go.
Hear local and national experts share their success stories, ongoing challenges, and opportunities. And be part of the conversation about how area leaders can work together to foster enhancements in our region.
TIM Conference WebEx Information
Meeting number: 646 074 131
Meeting password: TIM2016
Audio connection:
1-855-244-8681 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3207 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 646 074 131
- Timothy Lovain, TPB Chairman
Traffic Incident Management in the Washington Metropolitan Area
Hear from the National Capital Region’s transportation agencies on their traffic incident management activities.
- DDOT: Soumya Dey, DDOT Associate Director of Transportation Operations & Safety and Chair, MATOC Steering Committee
- MDOT-SHA: Joseph Sagal, Director, Office of CHART & ITS Development
- VDOT: Hari Sripathi, Regional Operations Director, VDOT-Northern Region Operations
- MATOC: Taran Hutchinson, MATOC Facilitator
Traffic Incident Management in Other States/Metropolitan Areas
Hear perspectives from other areas and nationally on innovative practices.
- Las Vegas: Brian Hoeft, Director, Regional Transportation Commission of Soutern Nevada - Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) (via webinar)
- Philadelphia: John Ward, Deputy Executive Director, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
- National Scan: Joseph Sagal, Director, MDOT-ShA Office of CHART & ITS Development
Opportunities for Enhancements of Traffic Incident Management in the National Capital Region
Discuss how the TPB and other area leaders can work together to foster enhancements in our region.
- DDOT: Soumya Dey, DDOT Associate Director of Transportation Operations & Safety and Chair, MATOC Steering Committee
- MDOT-SHA: Joseph Sagal, Director, Office of CHART & ITS Development
- VDOT: Hari Sripathi, Regional Operations Director, VDOT-Northern Region Operations
- MATOC: Taran Hutchinson, MATOC Facilitator
Closing Remarks
Adjournment and Lunch (provided)