Key Documents

2015 CLRP Amendment

2014 CLRP

2015 Amendment to the Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP)
Approved October 21, 2015

Includes all major transportation projects reasonably expected to be funded and built in the region through 2040.

Summary Brochure of the 2015 CLRP Amendment
TPB Memo | Summary Presentation


Supporting Documents


Air Quality Conformity Analysis for the 2015 CLRP Amendment
Approved October 21, 2015

Assesses whether future vehicle emissions under the CLRP and TIP will remain below approved regional emissions budgets.

Full Report | Summary Report | Summary Presentation
Project Inputs Table


2014 CLRP Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis of the 2015 CLRP Amendment

Shows changes in travel demand and travel conditions in the region resulting from rising poplation and employment as well as changing travel patterns.

Full Presentation


2014 CLRP

Call for Projects for the 2015 CLRP Amendment
Approved November 19, 2014

Solicits new projects and changes to existing projects for inclusion in the CLRP and/or TIP. Projects must be included in the federally required Air Quality Conformity Analysis prior to final approval.

Summary Brochure | Full Document


Key documents and information about the 2015 CLRP Amendment can be found at www.mwcog.org/CLRP2015.